3 Way Links

How It Works

The system uses a method of linking known as 3-way linking. Unlike the traditional one-way link, where only one site benefits, with a 3-way link all 3 sites get what Google sees as a one-way link to their web site.

In the old reciprocal link method, site A linked to site B and site B linked back to site A. Google does not value that kind of link very much at all anymore. Google wants to see one-way links (or at least what it believes are one-way links).

In a 3-way link setup, site A links to site B, site B links to site C, and site C links to site A (as shown in the graphic above). This is where the power of this system lies.

Google sees each link in the 3-way link exchange as a one-way link and gives it the FULL ranking value of a one-way link.

Want to know more??? visit http://albachtimi.blogspot.com


Get Bux With bux.to

At Bux.to, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through PayPal. The minimum payout is $10.00.

Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

The above example is based only on 20 referrals and 10 daily clicks. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?

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Pay To Click

Keadaan perekonomian yang agak susah belakangan ini mengharuskan Saya untuk memutar otak, bagaimana caranya untuk membahagiakan keluarga. Berbagai usaha telah Saya lakukan dan pada akhirnya Saya menemukan prospek yang cerah pada bisnis PTC (Pay to Click) pada Clixsense.

Secara singkat, program ini akan membayar kita sebesar $0.01 hingga $5 untuk tiap situs atau iklan yang kita kunjungi. Iklan-iklan ini setiap harinya sudah secara otomatis tersedia di dalam akun kita. Jadi yang perlu kita lakukan, setelah mendaftar, adalah rutin berkunjung ke dalam akun kita dan kemudian mengklik link-link iklan yang ada.

Program ini menggunakan dua jenis keanggotaan, biasa dan premium. Untuk membership biasa, kita hanya akan mendapati 3-5 iklan setiap harinya. Namun jika kita melakukan upgrade ke member premium sebesar $10, maka setiap harinya kita akan disuguhi 180 hingga 200 lebih link iklan!

Mari kita coba hitung potensi penghasilannya.

Dengan asumsi kita sudah mendaftar sebagai anggota premium dan setiap harinya kita hanya diberi 180 link iklan berharga 1 sen, maka dalam sehari kita akan mendapat penghasilan sebesar 180 x $0.01 = $1.8. Dengan demikian, dalam sebulan kita akan memperoleh uang sebesar $1.8 x 30 = $54. Lumayan bukan?

Untuk masalah pembayaran, ClixSense menggunakan cek. Enaknya, batas minimal pembayaran dapat kita tentukan sendiri. Yang terkecil adalah $10. Tentu untuk nominal yang ini tidak disarankan karena apabila dipotong biaya pencairan cek di bank, bisa-bisa malah tekor, hehehe.

Namun sebelum Anda terbuai dengan hitung-hitungan di atas, perlu diingat bahwa masing-masing iklan wajib dibuka selama 30 detik sebelum iklan yang lain dapat dibuka. Apabila selama 1 jam penuh kita standby di depan ClixSense, maka jumlah total iklan yang terbuka adalah 120 ($1.2). Yang pasti, bagi yang beruntung memiliki akses internet tak terbatas dan lebih sering nganggur di depan komputer, program ini bisa memberikan tambahan uang saku untuk membeli sembako dalam jumlah yang lumayan.

Untuk itu kenapa Anda menunggu lebih lama lagi untuk bergabung dalam bisnis ini yang hanya membutuhkan waktu luang di depan komputer yang terkoneksi internet dan mulailah click untuk mendapatkan tambahan pendapatan. Bergabunglah dengan Clixsense.

Untuk bergabung silahkan click disini.

Info lebih lanjut kunjungi www.albachtimi.50webs.com



You will make money for each task assigned to you that you have completed and submitted back for approval. The current payout rate for new accounts is $4 - $25 per entry. Most will fall into the $5-15 range. So if you are assigned 10 writing tasks and complete them and are approved you will earn $50-150 dollars. Note: Payout Rates will vary and are frequently based on popularity/traffic of blog as measured by independent third partie. Payments are made with paypal. You must have a paypal account in order to be paid for the service.



Get paid for blogging. Write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Disclosure required.

Join over 50,000 other bloggers who have started a new blogging revolution! PayPerPost is an incredible new self-service marketplace that allows you to get paid to blog about the products, services and websites you love. You can easily earn $500 per month or more with your current blog!

PayPerPost operates the largest sponsored content marketplace in the world. We help bloggers get paid for creating and publishing advertiser sponsored content. We invented the model and have helped Advertisers and Bloggers (known as "Posties" in our marketplace) successfully complete more than one hundred thousand transactions. Our network is comprised of a tens of thousands of bloggers, from leisure bloggers to professionals that make a living on their blog.

The PayPerPost marketplace is self-serve and easy to use. You create an account in our system by providing some basic information and your blog URL. You are here to make money so a valid TAX ID (either social security number for individuals or an EIN for companies) is required for US citizens.

Advertisers create "Opportunities" for bloggers to write about their products, services and websites. They range from $5 to several thousands of dollars, depending on the criteria set by the advertiser. Bloggers with high amounts of traffic can expect to earn a significant amount of money for each post they create on behalf of an advertiser.

Advertisers will post all sorts of Opportunities, from simple buzz campaigns to product reviews with pictures or videos. It's up to you to pick the Opportunities that best suit you and your blog. If it doesn't feel right, if you don't own the product, or if you can't be honest we ask you to pass on the Opportunity. Dishonest or completely off-topic posts can ultimately hurt your blog's credibility and traffic, dimishing your earning potential through our marketplace. We strongly encourage you to only take opportunities that relate to you and be judicious in your selections.


ReviewMe Launches : New Blog Advertising Network

Looking for a new way to monetize your blog or build links, awareness and buzz about your service or product? ReviewMe, the new service which pays bloggers (under full disclosure) to review products has launched and intends to change the paid blogging world.

Somewhat similar to the controversial PayPerPost formula, ReviewMe pays bloggers to review products and encourages those bloggers to speak their heart - the end result a mix of honest positive and negative reviews throughout the blogosphere.

Better yet, instead of an ‘across the board’ pay per review payout to bloggers, ReviewMe uses a method to value the blog posts; which seems a bit similar to the link valuation method its parent company Text Link Ads uses for its FeedVertising ad offering.

For example, ReviewMe takes into account a blog’s Alexa and Technocrati ratings to determine blog value and I would not be surprised if it also looked at Bloglines and NewsGator subscription numbers.

So, how can bloggers sign up for ReviewMe and how does the process work? Here’s the step by step from ReviewMe:

1. Submit your site for inclusion into our ReviewMe publisher network. Begin by creating a free account using the link below.

2. If approved, your site will enter our ReviewMe marketplace and clients will purchase reviews from you.

3 . You decide to accept the review or not.

4 .You will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on your site.

Oh yes, that full disclosure bit I was writing about? In order for a blogger to receive payment from ReviewMe they must include that the reviews are Paid Advertisements in the posts themselves.

Transparent honesty, works in the blogosphere and sure to work for ReviewMe.

So, here’s my sponsored review of ReviewMe :

I’ve submitted a couple of blogs to ReviewMe (they allow a max of 6 blogs per user) and find it to be a very easy to navigate interface with almost instant blog reviewing and valuation by their program.

Blogs are classified in different groups based upon location and theme while blog owners can also tag their blogs with up to six descriptive tags.

One can also use their system to sift through blogs which have signed up for review me by searching for keywords, looking through categories, or browsing previews of the most current posts made on each blog.

ReviewMe, like Text Link Ads, keeps 50% of the advertising revenue for themselves… so if a review on a blog costs the advertiser $200, the blogger gets paid $100. Still, better than nothing.

Honestly, I think this style of advertising will work. Will it help with link building initiatives? Possibly, on some search engines, but I’m thinking Google probably has their eyes on these Paid Review type services and may discredit link juice from paid posts. At least in ReviewMe’s corner, their transparency will probably not result in any site-wide penalties or problems with the search engine quality rankings… something I’m sure Andy Hagans & Aaron Wall (ReviewMe is the lovechild of the two) have already reviewed numerous times.

Of course, true linking is designed to build relevant traffic, conversions and awareness to a site; and hopefully ReviewMe will help to do so for its advertisers.


Pay Per View

Disclaimer: The following is a paid review for a promising new site called ReviewMe.

While perusing the internet for political stories to discuss I came across a friend's site who talked about ReviewMe, a new site that allows advertisers to pay well-established bloggers to honestly review their sites for maximum exposure.

Becoming a member is extremely easy and takes virtually seconds to establish an account. Bloggers who wish to solicit reviews for money must submit their blog for evaluation. Once the details are entered such as title, description (plus keywords), RSS feed and URL, your site is immediately evaluated and accepted or declined based on your overall popularity on the web. ReviewMe looks at your Alexa and Technorati ranking, as well as the number of RSS subscribers you enjoy. Reviewers may have up to six blogs to review on. The more popular your blog the more money you can earn.

While reviewers may be inclined to write favorably because they're getting paid, ReviewMe's policy explicitly states that reviews must be honest and not unfairly influenced. This is a good requirement and advertisers should be aware that they can't pay for a positive review unless it's earned.

The only problem I foresee is the ratio of paying advertisers to paid bloggers. For this new concept to work there must be a generous number of advertisers willing to pay bloggers (mostly amateurs) to review them.

To advertise you simply go to the website and chose which blogger you would like to review you. Each site's popularity is listed for you to consider.